Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Halfday Trip to Western Cleveland

This trip is best suited for those in the southeastern suburbs of Cleveland, and takes maximum advantage of Cleveland RTA's 2.5-hour free transfer, to quick exploration of Edgewater Park and Westside Market, both on city's west side. To start out, pick a day with weather like today's: sunny and low 70s. For this trip, bring these items and drive to the Van Aken Blvd (or Green Road) rail terminus.
  • 5-ride RTA pass
  • book to read
  • scooter (optional)
While the 5-ride pass is $11.25, it's ideal if there's plan to use it in the future before the expiration date. The one I bought today doesn't expire until start of 2014. A book to read is ideal for the train ride there and back. Unlike the New York City Subway, there will very likely be available seats, particularly in non-rush hours. Scooter may assist in getting around after getting off the train.

From Van Aken Blvd station, ride the entire length of the rail-line to Tower City. It isn't until here that one needs to swipe the RTA pass and the 2.5 hour period begins. Hop over to the Red Line and go westbound for 3 station to West Blvd, in the neighborhood area of Cudell/Edgewater, a community that "[has] the appeal of a suburban community, but offer convenient proximity to downtown, and have churches and entertainment within walking distance." Walk/scooter for about 10 minutes down to the beach northward via West Blvd. Surely enough, the stretch on West Blvd is a quiet area with apartments and single-family houses.

A day like this is the best to soak up the sun at the beach. Afterwards, head back to the rail station. Ride 2 stations eastbound to W. 25th Street and arrive at the historic West Side Market, whose origins date back to 1840 and present attract nearly a million visitors annually. On this date, watermelon was available, although in scant quantities and selling for as high as $12. Nevertheless after a quick meal there, a quick ride back to Tower City and transferring onto Blue (or Green) line takes back to the start.

In all, the trip consisted of 5 different rides and 2 different destinations. But thanks to the unlimited transfer within the 2.5 hour period, all of the rides fell within the one $2.25 fare.
