Friday, May 24, 2013

Strengthening Australian Dollar and Ford Shutting Down Production

It was reported this week that after nine decades of operating in Australia, Ford will shut down production in the country due to the strength of the Australia dollar and high costs, particularly wages. Ford reported that production costs in Australia "are twice that of Europe and nearly four times higher than in Asia." The factories are planned to close within 3 years.

Strength of the Australian dollar would make it more costly to operate there. How exactly has the Australian dollar fared against other major currencies? The AUD-USD is currently around 0.97. This is actually on the lower end of the 52-week range, and further down from the peak of around 1.10 reached in mid-2011. However looking at the 5 year chart, AUD-USD was as low as 0.6 in late 2008. Since the start of 2011, it has been steadily strong at above 1. Looking at AUD-JPY, again a similar strengthening trend can be observed. After hovering around 80 for most of mid-2009 to mid-2012, it has surpassed 100 this year and currently is around 97.78. Finally, looking at AUD-EUR, the pattern can be seen as it has strengthened from around 0.5 in late 2008 to currently around 0.75, although it was as high as 0.85 in mid-2012.
